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Pazuzu begins...

Last night I started work on my next full painting: The Lord of Fevers and Plagues, Pazuzu. Other than my comic coloring project that I am working on, I am currently not doing any freelance work at the moment, so I am siezing the opportunity to start on this painting that has been calling me ever since I finished Humwawa

It's my goal to make the most nightmarish, disturbing painting I have ever done and of course also remain true to the mythology that surrounds the demon. So far I have the design mostly worked out (which is actually significantly different than the one I posted earlier this year) and am working on composition now. Unlike Humwawa, I will not be posting a work in progress (other than maybe a few teasers here and there) of this piece so the final work can speak for itself.

I couldn't be more excited to be an artist right now. I have so many ideas and I feel more creative than I have ever felt in my life. 

Pazuzu is rising...

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Reader Comments (2)

I really am impressed by your sticking to the names and styles of the Old creatures of Evil. I have been doing research into the ancient religions of Babylon and then, by accident, just stumbled on to this image. Well done!

October 29, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterNoor al Haqiqa

Thanks for the compliment! I really tried to find a balance between my own creativity and heavy research so I'm happy knowing I was successful in that regard.

...best wishes...

November 12, 2009 | Registered CommenterDusty
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