About the prints:

These fine-art quality giclée prints are printed on Lex-jet semi-matte paper, which is a durable, but still rollable form of photo paper. They are printed at specialty art printer, Bellevue Fine Art in Bellevue, WA. The inks are Epson HDR Ultrachrome archival inks and each print will last over 100 years without any degradation in quality.

Each print is limited (usually out of 100, but some are less) and are individually hand-numbered, signed, and titled by myself. When the print run is over, no more of that particular print will ever be made again.

I have the following prints available:

Unblessing the Purity (11x14, limited to 100) - $25.00 
The Fathomless Mastery  (10x24, limited to 100) - $30.00
Humwawa, Lord of Abominations (11x14, limited to 100) - $25.00
Corrupted (11x14, limited to 50) - $25.00
Graveyard (9x12, limited to 50) - $20.00 
Behold! The Monolith (11x13, limited to 50) - $25.00 
Remnants Aflame (13x24, limited to 100) - $30.00 

If you wish to make an order, please visit my STORE*. If you feel uncomfortable for any reason, please feel free to contact me via the form at the top bar and I would be happy to answer any questions you may have about the prints.


*At this time, you do need a paypal account to order, but you do not have to go through paypal itself. There is an option to simply pay directly out of your bank account as you would with any online order.