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Contagion Press Release.

The terrifying artwork depicted on the cover of OCEANO's November 9 release, "Contagion" was created by Dusty Peterson. Known for his work with BLOODBATHSIX FEET UNDER and CATTLE DECAPITATION, he was sought out by the members of OCEANO as they are fans of his work. In the end, the band felt they couldn't have had made a better choice in an artist. "Adam [Warren, vocals] was particularly excited about the interior artwork to the album when I showed him," says Dusty. "He said something about some lyrics that he had written that matched up with it perfectly. The concept of theirs is very vivid, just like the artwork!"

So how exactly did Dusty go about taking things from concept to the final product presented on the album? As the artist himself puts it: "At the start, OCEANO had a very specific, lengthy concept that was based off of all of their lyrics. After considering the message that they wanted to convey, I basically dug deep into my horror movie interests and tried to make something that told the story of a government-caused viral outbreak but with a classic, old-school feel. I really wanted it to be colorful and eye-popping, but also very unsettling. I referenced everything from 28 days later to 'Dawn' and 'Day of the Dead' to classic DEATH album covers."


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